Thursday, April 30, 2009

Six teeth strong and running things

Emma is so tough and hardcore... Ok so she isnt but that does not stop her from running the show.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The real green machine (vege oil)

This beast is running the roads of Mendocino Ca. So look out

Friday, April 24, 2009

More gardening

It will pay off, this is going to be nice.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bloody nose Korrey

Getting bloody noses is kinda Korrey's thing...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Strong and macho ant moustache

Look at this tough guy, trying to show off for a girl probably, or his ant wife nagged him into bringing that home...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sweet Adaline

This has to be one of the top ten ashtrays I have seen out in the wild. Property of Nick and Linda Ring

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Emma swims.

Today was a big day for Emma. She got her first swimming pool set up and had a good ol time splashing in the sunshine.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Planting today.

Seeds and tons of starts going to the ground. Awesomethrone.

Elora visits

She comes over all the time, she is one of our good friends

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Korrey is the pattern helper.

What a wonderful boy when he is not being bad

Emmas like a duck

Dancing like brother

Korrey made this

What an artist

Upper Lake elementary open house

Be like a duck was the song playing when i saw this wonderful item. This kid even has included a weapon covered in blood. Awesome.

Korrey is grounded

Korrey was bad at school and tried to wait until the last minute to show his mom his progress report. So he is grounded and cant have books at the book fair. He is sad.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am afraid to say it...

The hanging beef, no matter how offensive it sounds, was hella good and reminded me of a meal that Christy would have made at home. Calistoga came through with a winner, Hydro Grill was fantastic. Oh yeah, we had a Russian river seasonal and it was brutal and hoppy.

Hydro Grill

Calistoga affords us a chance to eat at hydro Grill, a wonderfully hipster bar that has "hanging beef" something i ordered and am now about to enjoy.

The cops shut down the megaphone action

The wheels are turning and clint is acoustic now, just as loud...

Finally some sun

International law is making big mistakes

Keith reads this blog

but Mike Thompson does not...

Death to taxes

Abolish the fed, save the world.

The little drummer boy...

Awesomethrone and sick, clint is busy and some other person is manning the bullhorn

The Napa Tea Party 2009 group picture

What a great turn out, clint is smashing this snare drum people are having a great time, death to taxes and the federal reserve.

Napa Tea Party 2009 and now Media is here now

This is getting serious

America, fuck yeah!

This is just awesome, this man is my hero of the day.

The clint man yelling

The clint yells and people showing up are sacred and feel abused then like it then unlike it again. Bullhorns are tricky and not easy to control sometimes, but it is interesting none the less...

The tyrant and the tax payers

Clint is yelling. Hold on

The Napa Tea Party 2009 is on

This is seriously being supported by the people. Folks from 3 hours away have shown up to be a part of this movement. It is a wonderful thing...

Napa Tea Party

Getting bigger by the moment...

Tea Party 2009 Napa CA

There are more and more people showing up by the minute, getting go the face of our big business government and the oppression of the federal reserve.

Hot air ballooning

The sky is littered with the stench of misspent capitalism, abundant here in The microcosm that is the Napa Valley

2009 tax revolt

There are very few things i will get up at 5am for, and this just happens to be one of them. Headed to Napa to demonstrate at the Mike Thompson HQ at 1040 main st. Come on down and show your support/disgust!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yerba Buena goat cheese.

Serento Chile peruvian style goat cheese. So awesome and rad! Handmade in Lake County 707-263-8131

Kaossilating while driving...

Making beats down main st. Lakeport via stereo with my korg kaossilator

Mike Moreno

Taco extraordinaire by day, soul crushing metal mexican by night.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Recording at Nates

Travis and dan

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dj Steeb

Its my 31st birthday and its on.. .

Birthday larry

He wanted me to kiss him on the lips.

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